Governing Body
Dr. Anisur Rahman


Renowned agriculture and rural development expert, Dr. Anisur Rahman is the Chairperson of the Center for Policy and Economic Research (CPER). He has expertise in the areas of agricultural development, food security, value chain development, crop diversification, market system improvement, and social inclusion. Dr. Rahman has more than 35 years of working experience at the national and international levels. He has held senior positions in several Government, Inter-Governmental, and International Organizations including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), World Bank, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Winrock International, SWISSCONTACT, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), and Department of Livestock Services (DLS). He also served PRAN-RFL Group as a Chief of Agribusiness and expanded value-added agro-products both in national and international markets. During his tenure at BARI, he played a crucial role in the varietal development and improvement of legume crops. 

Dr. Rahman obtained a Ph.D. degree in agriculture from the University of Putra Malaysia and completed graduation and post-graduation in agriculture from Bangladesh Agricultural University. He took part in several visiting research and training programs in Australia, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Syria, and Thailand. 


Scientific Publications:

1.   M.A. Rahman, A.R.M.S. Rahman. 1989. Correlation among stability parameters in Chickpea. Experimental Genetics. 5 (1-2): 78-84.

2.   M.A. Rahman, A.R.M.S. Rahman, A.A.Miah. 1990. Yield stability in Chickpea under   different dates of sowing. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics. 3 (1&2): 47-50.

3.   M.A. Rahman, A. Sarker, O. Islam, M. Rahman. 1990. Selection of promising F3 families in Grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.). Experimental Genetics. 6 (1&2): 47-51.

4.   M.O. Islam, M. Matiur Rahman, A. Rahman, A. Sarker and W. Zaman. 1991. Status and future breeding strategies for Chickpea. Advances in Pulses Research in Bangladesh. (ISBN-92-9066-1). pp.11-17.

5.   A. Sarker, M.Matiur Rahman, W. Zaman, O. Islam and A. Rahman. 1991. Status of Lentil breeding and future strategy. Advances in Pulses Research in Bangladesh. (ISBN-92-9066-199-1). pp. 19-24.

6.   A. Sarker, M. Matiur Rahman, A. Rahman and W. Zaman. 1992. Utfala: A Lentil variety for Bangladesh. Lens. 19 (1): 14-16.

7.   Ashutosh Sarker, Anisur Rahman and M. Rahman. 1992. Introgression of genes from macrosperma into microsperma to improve Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) in Bangladesh. First European conference on grain legumes. 1-3 June, 1992. (ISBN-2. 86492.151.0). pp. 91-92. 

8.   M.A. Rahman, O. Islam, M.M. Rahman, A. Sarker. 1993. Genetic variability in segregating populations of Mungbean. Thai Journal of Agril. Science. 26 (3): 223-227.

9.   M.A. Rahman, L. Rahman, A.R.M.S. Rahman, A.A. Miah. 1993. Stability of yield contributing characters in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Science. 20 (1): 147-151.

10. M.A. Rahman, A.A. Miah, A.R.M.S. Rahman. 1995. Genetic variability, character association and path co-efficient analysis in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L). The Progressive Agriculture. 6(1): 127-131.

11. Md. Matiur Rahman, Jagdish Kumer, Md. Anisur Rahman and Md. Ali Afzal. 1995. Natural out crossing in Lathyrus sativus L. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 55(2): 204-207. 

12. Md. Anisur Rahman, M.S. Saad, Ghizan Bin Saleh and Azizah Osman. 1999. Genetics of Shelf life in Longbean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw). Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics: 12(1 & 2): 21-26

13. Md. Anisur Rahman, Md. Matiur Rahman and Akhteruzzaman Sarker. 1999. Comparison of cross pollination method in Chickpea. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics: 12 (1 & 2): 73-76.

14. M.M. Rahman and M.A. Rahman. 1997. Selection of Chickpea (Cicer arietnum L.) genotypes for the late sowing conditions following the selection index method. Thai Journal of Agricultural Science. 30: 299-303.

15. M.M. Rahman, M.A. Afzal, M.A. Rahman, A.N.M. Manzoor Murshed and Syed Hassan. 1997. Selection criteria for late sowing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Bangladesh J. Agril. Res., 22(2): 237-242.

16. M.A. Rahman, M.S. Saad, O. Azizah, G.B. Saleh, 2002. Variation and transgressive segregation in the backcross generations of Longbean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 5(3): 269-271.

17. C.L.L. Gowda, Onkar Singh, S.C. Sethi, K.B. Singh, B.V. Rao, M.M. Rahman, Jagdish Kumer and M.A. Rahman. 1995. Registration of 'ICCV 10' Chickpea. Crop Science (USA). 35 (2): 588.

18. M.M. Rahman, J. Kumar, M.A. Malek and M.A. Rahman. 1998. Registration of ' Barichola-3 ' Chickpea. Crop Science (USA). 38:886.

19. M.M. Rahman, J. Kumar, M.A. Malek and M.A. Rahman. 1998. Registration of ' Barichola-4 ' Chickpea. Crop Science (USA). 38:886.

20. M.M. Rahman, J. Kumar, M.A. Malek and M.A. Rahman. 1998. Registration of ' Barichola-5 Chickpea. Crop Science (USA). 38:887.

21. M.M. Rahman, J. Kumar, M.A. Malek and M.A. Rahman. 1998. Registration of

22. ' Barichola-6 ' Chickpea. Crop Science (USA).38:887.

23. M. Anisur Rahman, M.S. Saad, Azizah Osman, Ghijan Saleh, M.M. Rahman. 2000. Improvement of Long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw) through backcross method. Bangladesh Journal Agricultural Research. 25(2): 341-347.

24. Md. Anisur Rahman and Md. Matiur Rahman. 1999. Selection of Promising F4 Families in Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Under Variable Spacing. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics: 12 (1 & 2): 63-68.

25. Md. Anisur Rahman and Mohd. Said Saad. 1999. Inheritance of protein content in Long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw). Breeding Science. 49(4): 239-243.

26. M. A. Rahman and M. S. Saad. 2000. Estimation of additive, dominance and digenic epistatic interaction effects for certain yield characters in Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw. Euphytica. 114:61-66.

27. J.L. Tickoo; M.M. Rahman; M.A. Rahman; Akhtaruzzaman Sarkar and M.A. Bakr. 2000. Status of pulses (Mungbean and Blackgram) research and development in Asia and need to shift in research direction for pulse self suffiency in Bangladesh. In Proceedings on the opportunities for inclusion of grain legumes in the cereal based cropping systems. BARI and TCTTI project (GOB/UNDP/FAO: BGD/89/045). 31 May, 2000. BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

28. M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman and M. A.Sarkar. 2001. Progress in isolation and purification of Lathyrus sativus breeding lines. Lathyrus Lathyrism Newsletter. 2(1):39-40.

29. Md. Anisur Rahman; M.M. Rahman; Akhtaruzzaman Sarkar, Biswa Nath Mitra; Omar Ali, Ashraf Uddin Ahmed, Mahbubar Rahman, Sultan Alam and Altaf Hossain. 2001. Research on breeding pulses in Bangladesh. Paper presented on Celebration and Festival on Centenary of the Rediscovery of Mendelism (1900-2000) and Cracking of the Human Genetic Code (2000). January 27-28, 2001. Organized by Dept. of Genetics and Breeding, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

30. M. Anisur Rahman. 2001. Heritability and Genetic Advance in backcross generations of long bean. Bangladesh J. Scientific Res.

31. Anisur Rahman, M.S. Saad, Ghijan Saleh and Azizah Osman. 1999. Genetics of shelf life in Long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw). Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics. 12(1&2):21-26.

32. M. Anisur Rahman and M. Matiur Rahman. 2001. Prospects of improved chickpea varieties for the high Barind tract. In Summary proceedings of the review of planning workshop for the DFID-funded project on “Promotion of Chickpea in the Barind Tract of Bangladesh” (AM Musa, C. Johansen, D. Harris and JVDK Kumar Rao Eds). 24-25 July, 2001.

33. M. Omar Ali, M.A. Rahman, QMS Islam, M.A. Hossain and M.N. Islam. 2003. Effect of different Management Practices on Yield and yield components of lentil in dry land areas under rainfed conditions. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 28(2): 237-243.

34. M.A. Rahman, M. Mustafizur Rahman. M. Omar Ali and M. Azizur Rahman. 2003. Stability performances of different varieties/lines of chickpea in different dates of sowing. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 28(4): 629-632.

35. M. Anisur Rahman. 2013. Supply Chain Management of Horticulture crops. Proceedings published in “Research Achievement of past ten years of horticultural crops and future research strategies for sustainable crop production and food security. 1-2 June, 2013. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Reprint missing)


Publication of Popular Articles

1.   Md. Anisur Rahman. 2002. Role of legumes in the cereal-based cropping systems in Bangladesh. May 09, 2002. The Bangladesh Observer.

2.   Md. Anisur Rahman. 2002. BARI Technology Village-a prospective noble step (In Bengali). Krishi Biplob.

3.   Md. Anisur Rahman and Akhtaruzzaman Saker. 2002. Control of Cutworm in chickpea (In Bengali). Krishi Katha.

4.   Md. Anisur Rahman and Md. Omar Ali. 2002. Difference in yield of Pulses between research field and farmers field- reason and remedy (In Bengali). Krishi Katha. Vol. 62 (6): 180-181 (September-October, 2002).

5.   Md. Anisur Rahman. 2002. Role of pulses crop in maintaining soil and human health (In Bengali). Krishi Biplob.

6.   Md. Anisur Rahman and Ashraf Uddin Ahmed. 2002. Management of Botrytis Grey Mold (BGM) in Chickpea. SAIC News Letter.

7.   Md. Anisur Rahman. 2010. Gerbera-a prominent flower of commercial potential. Hortex News Letter, July-September, 2010.

8.   Md. Anisur Rahman (In Bangla). 2011. Farmer-Market Linkage Strategy (Krishok-Bazar Jogajog Koushal). Adhunik Krishi Khamar, October: 4 (2011).


Consultancy Report for different National and International organizations

1.   Sectoral study on Bangladesh agriculture and value chain development, inclusive finance & Fintech. Team leader. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). February 2022

2.   Horticulture (Vegetable and Fruit) Value Chain Analysis in Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar for Green Life Project of Arannayk Foundation financed by USAID. October 2021

3.   Livestock (Poultry and Goat) Value Chain Analysis in Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar for Green Life Project of Arannayk Foundation financed by USAID. October 2021

4.   End line Evaluation on Securing Employment and Economic Development around Jute Textile and Light Engineering Value chains in North-West Bangladesh (PRISM) Project of Practical Action as Team leader. December 2020.

5.   Value chain Development for three livestock sub sectors-Dairy, Beef and Goat. Prepared for NATP-Phase II project, PIU-DLS (Department of Livestock Services). December 2018.

6.   Sectoral Study and Market Scan of Agriculture related Income Generating Activities (IGAs). Social Development Foundation (SDF), May 2018.

7.   Case Studies in Food Safety and Quality from Asia Pacific Region. FAO. February 2017.

8.   Study on Market Impact Review on Dairy Hub development in Bangladesh, UNIDO, October 2016.

9.   Need Assessment for Contract farming Legislative Framework in Bangladesh. Prepared International Finance Corporation (IFC), a concern of The World Bank.2014

10.  Dairy Value Chain Development in Bangladesh. Prepared for Heifer International. March 2013.Supply Chain Management of Horticultural crops. 2013

11.  Background Report on Training need in Agro Food and Food Processing Industry Sector in Bangladesh. Prepared for Department for International Development (DFID, Implemented by Swisscontact Bangladesh. April 2012

12.  The role of contract farming in agribusiness development. 2011. Hortex News Letter

13.  Study to Assess “The Potentiality of High Price Market Access Of Fruits And Vegetables And Production Feasibility Of Specialty High Value Crops”. Prepared for GMark Consulting Ltd. December 2010.

14.  Empirical mapping of the supply chains for fresh vegetables for NATP (World Bank Project), World Bank, 2009 

Dr. Md. Sohel Rana

Research Director

Dr. Md. Sohel Rana is Vice Chairperson of the Center for Policy and Economic Research (CPER) in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Professor of Statistics at the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Before joining CPER, he held positions as a senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He holds a Ph.D. in Statistics from Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Dr. Rana has more than ten years of teaching and research experience in applied statistics. Under his supervision, many M.Sc. students have graduated besides 4 Ph.D. students. He has published over 50 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, one book, and over 25 conference proceedings. Besides, as a speaker and invited speaker, he has presented his research work at several national and international conferences. As a reviewer, he reviewed more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He has completed two research grants as a leader and two research grants as a co-researcher.  

Dr. Rana achieved Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals from the research and innovation exhibition. In addition, he received the Vice-Chancellor Award for excellent teaching in 2014 from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Also, he received the University Excellent Service Award in 2012 from the same university.


Publications In Cited Journal

1. Mamun, A.S.M.A, Imon., A.H.M.R, Zubairi, YZ, Hussin, A.G, Rana, S. (2020). Identification of High Leverage Points in Linear Functional Relationship Model, Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research. Vol. 16(3), pp 491-500.

2. Mamun, A.S.M.A, Zubairi, YZ, Hussin, A.G, Rana, S. (2020). A Modified Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Parameters of Linear Structural Relationship Model, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 14(2), pp. 209–220.

3. Rana S., Elgohari H. and Islam M.F (2019). Temperature Modeling of Rangpur Division, Bangladesh: A Comparative Study between Artificial Neural Network and Linear Regression model, International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, Vol 15(1), pp 123-130.

4. Mamun, A.S.M.A, Zubairi, YZ, Hussin, A.G, Imon, A. H. M. R, Rana, S. & Carrasco, J. (2019). Identification of influential observation in linear structural relationship model with known slope, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2019.1645172

5. Islam MR, Rana S, Hossain MM et al. (2019). Determining the lx and estimating the force of mortality for children under five in Bangladesh. F1000Research, 8:2045. 

6. Saadati, M, Bagheri, A and Rana, S (2018). Application of Classification and Regression Trees Algorithm to Classify Children Ever BDHS 2011, Malaysian Journal Born: of Mathematical Sciences, 12(3): 401–419.

7. Sleabi, W.D., Rana, S., Alshaybawee, T and Midi, H. (2018). The single-index support vector regression model to address the problem of high dimensionality, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 47 (9), pp. 2792-2799.

8. Rana, S., Sleabi, W.D. and Midi, H. (2018). Fixed Parameters Support Vector Regression for Outlier Detection. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research. 52(2), pp. 267-292.

9. Ahmed Kadom, A, Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2018) The Performance of k-means Clustering Method based on Robust Principal Components, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 103(11), pp. 1757-1767.

10. Sleabi, W.D., Rana, S. and Midi, H. (2017). A high breakdown, high efficiency and bounded influence modified GM estimator based on support vector regression, Journal of Applied Statistics, 44 (4), pp. 700-714.

11. Uraibi, H, Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2017). Selective overview of forward selection in terms of robust correlations, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 46(7), pp. 5479-5503.

12. Sleabi, W.D., Rana, S., Alshaybawee, T and Midi, H. (2017). Elastic Net for Single Index Support Vector Regression Model, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 51(2), 195-210.

13. Uraibi, H, Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2017). Robust multivariate Least Angle Regression, ScienceAsia, Vol 43, 56–60.

14. Mahmood, E.A., Midi, H., Rana, S., and Hussin, A.G (2017). Robust Circular Distance and its Application in the Identification of Outliers in the Simple Circular Regression Model, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(3), pp. 126 – 133.

15. Mahmood, E.A., Rana, S., Hussin, A.G and Midi, H. (2017). Adjusting Outliers in Univariate Circular Data, Partanika Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 25(4), 1147 – 1158.

16. Midi, H., Mahdi, O. and Rana, S. (2017). Diagnostic Robust Generalised Potentials based on GM6 to Identify High Leverage Points in Simultaneous Regression Model, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 101(8), pp.1785-1800.

17. Mahmood, E.A., Rana, S., Midi, H. and Hussin, A.G (2017). Detection of Outliers in Univariate Circular Data using Robust Circular Distance, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 17(2), pp. 418 – 432.

18. Mamun, A.S.M.A., Zubairi, Y. Z., Hussin, A.G., Imon, A.H.M.R and Rana, S (2017). Small-Sample Confidence Interval for the Slope of Linear Structural Relationship Model, Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 10(2), pp. 374-383.

19. Hanafi, M.H, Noor, N.M, Rana, S and Saad, F.F.A (2017). Standardisation Techniques of Independent PET/CT Modalities utilising PET SUVmax as a Potential Conversion Marker, Transylvanian Review, 25(21).

20. Shazreen, S., Rana, S., Shakher, R., Cheah, Y.Q., Malini, V.K., Shahrun Niza, A.S., Saladina, J.J. and Fathinul Fikri, A.S. (2017). The value of 18f-fluorodeoxyglucose and MRI DWI in underpinning cellular reprogramming in breast cancer, International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Article ID: 6461, 5 pages.

21. Rana, S., Mahmood, E.A., Midi, H. and Hussin, A.G (2016). Robust Detection of Outliers in Response and Explanatory Variables of the Simple Circular Regression Model, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10 (3), pp. 399–414.

22. Rana, S., Sleabi, W.D. and Midi, H. (2016). A Hybrid Technique for Selecting Support Vector Regression Parameters Based on a Practical Selection Method and Grid Search Procedure, Economic computation and economics cybernetics studies and research.50(2), 231–246.

23. Peng, L.Y, Midi, H., Rana, S and Fitrianto, A (2016). Identification of Multiple Outliers in a Generalized Linear Model with Continuous Variables, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 5840523, 9 pages.

25. Hasan M. N., Rana, S., Malek, M. B., Das, K. R. and Sultana N. (2016). Modeling Bangladesh’s Gross Domestic Product Using Regression Approach, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume10(2): 233-246.

25. Mamun, A.S.M.A., Zubairi, Y. Z., Hussin, A.G. and Rana, S (2016). A comparison of missing data handling methods in linear structural relationship model: evidence from BDHS2007 data, Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 09 (1), 124-135.

26. Jiin, R.L.T, Anwar Fitrianto, Rana, S, Midi, H. (2015). An Alternative Identification of Influential points in Cox Proportional Hazards Model, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 53 (5), pp. 187 – 191.

27. Sleabi, W.D., Rana, S. and Midi, H. (2015). Non-sparse -insensitive Support Vector Regression for Outlier Detection, Journal of Applied Statistics, 42(8), 1723–1739.

28. Rana, S., Fitrianto, A, Wen Jie, K., Midi, H. and A.H.M.R. Imon (2015). Robust feasible generalized least squares: A remedial measure of heteroscedasticity, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 53 (5), pp. 192 – 199.

29. Mohammed, M.A., Midi, H. and Rana, S (2015). Robust Jackknife Ridge Regression to Combat Multicollinearity and High Leverage Points, Economic computation and economics cybernetics studies and research. Vol.49 (4), 305-322.

30. Baba, I., Midi, H., Rana, S. and Gafurjan, I., (2015). An Alternative Approach of Dual Response Surface Optimization Based on Penalty Function Method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 450131, 6 pages, 2015. DOI:10.1155/2015/450131.

31. Uraibi, H., Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2015). Robust Stability Best Subset Selection for Autocorrelated Data Based on Robust Location and Dispersion Estimator, Journal of Probability and Statistics, Vol. 2015, Article ID 432986, 8 pages, DOI: DOI 10.1155/2015/432986.

32. Rana, S., Happy John., A, Midi, H. and A.H.M.R. Imon (2015). The Performance of Robust Regression Imputation for Missing data in the Presence of Outliers, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 97(2), pp. 183-195.

33. Midi, H., Rana, S. and Imon, A. H.M.R (2014). Two Step Robust Estimator in Heteroscedastic Regression Model in the presence of Outliers, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research. Volume 48 (3), 255-272.

34. Siraj-Ud-Doulah M., Rana, S. and Midi, H (2014). Model Recognition by using Principal Component analysis (PCA) approach. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Volume 41(1), pp. 224-230.

35. Marikkar, J.M.N. and Rana, S. (2014). Use of Differential Scanning Calorimetry to detect Canola Oil (Brassica napus L) Adulterated with Lard Stearin, Journal of Oleo Science, Volume 63(9), 867 – 873.

36. Fitrianto, A., Wijayanto, H., Rana, S. and Voon, Y.C. (2014). Median Polish for Final Grades of MTH3000- and MTH4000- Level Courses, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Volume 8, 6295 – 6302.

37. Rana, S., Midi, H and Fitrianto A. (2013). Statistical Significance of Rank Regression. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7(82), 4067 – 4072.   

38. Rana, S., Habshah Midi and S.K. Sarkar (2013). Determinants of Desire for Children: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach, Life Science Journal, Volume 10 (2), pp. 1460 – 1467.

39. Farid, H., Ismail I. A., Sadeghi and Rana, S. (2013) Propelling the Innovation Speed for Malaysian Biotechnology Products, Life Science Journal, Volume 10 (3), pp. 503 – 510.

40. Midi, H. Ann, H. L. and Rana, S. (2013). On the Robust Parameter Estimation for Linear Model with Autocorrelated Errors. Advanced Science Letters, Volume 19 (8), pp.  2494 – 2496.

41. Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2012). Robust Wild Bootstrap for Stabilizing the Variance of Parameter Estimates in Heteroscedastic Regression Models in the Presence of Outlier Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2012, Article ID 730328, 14 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/730328.

42. Rana, S., Siraj-Ud-Doulah, M., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2012). Decile Mean: A New Robust Measure of Central Tendency. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 39(3), pp. 478-485.

43. Farid H., Ismail, I. A., Sarkar, S.K. and Rana S. (2012). Optimizing Success in Biotechnology Innovation Adoption: Comparing the Perspectives of Academic Researchers and Biotechnology Companies Officers. Archives Des Sciences, 65 (8), pp. 513-525.

44. Siraj-Ud-Doulah M., Rana, S. and Midi, H. (2012). New Robust Tests for the Detection of ARCH Effect. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 46 (1/2012), 251-259.

45. Farid H., Sadeghi Z. and Rana S. (2012). An Evaluation of Online Shopping and Its Effect on Customers’ Satisfaction and Behaviour in Malaysia. Journal of American Science, Vol. 8(7), pp. 704-707.

46. Farid H., Sadeghi Z. and Rana S. (2012). Measurement and Mutual Perception of Online Customers satisfaction in malaysia. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 12(1), pp. 11-18.

47. Midi, H., Sarkar, S.K. and Rana, S. (2011). Adequacy of Multinomial Logit Model with Nominal Responses over Binary Logit Model. Trends in Applied Sciences Research,6 (8), pp. 900-908.

48. Midi, H., Rana, S., and Nur Afzan Mat Said (2011). The Application of Two Stage Robust Weighted Least Squares and Robust Bootstraping Procedure on Food Expenditure Data, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Vol.20 (M11), pp. 25-37.

49. Sarkar, S. K., Midi, H., and Rana, S. (2011). Detection of Outliers and Influential Observations in Binary Logistic Regression: An Empirical Study, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol.11(1), pp. 26-35.

50. Midi, H., Rana, S., and Sarkar, S. K. (2010). Binary Response Modeling and Validation of its Predictive Ability, WSEAS Transition of Mathematics, Vol. 9(6) , 438-447.

51. Sarkar, S. K., Midi, H., and Rana, S. (2010). Collinearity Diagnostics of Binary Logistic Regression Model, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 13(3), pp. 253-267.

52. Sarkar, S.K., Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2010). Model Selection in Logistic Regression and Performance of its Predictive Ability. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(12), 5813-5822.

53. Rana, S., Midi, H. and, Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). A Robust Rescaled Moment Test for Normality in Regression, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 5(1), pp. 54-62.

54. Midi, H., Rana, S., and, Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). The Performance of Robust Weighted Least Squares in the Presence of Outliers and Heteroscedastic Errors, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 8(7), pp. 351-361.

55. Midi, H., Rana, S., and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Estimation of Parameters in Heteroscedastic Multiple Regression Model Using Leverage Based Near-Neighbors, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 9(22), pp. 4013-4019.

56. Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2008). A Robust Modification of the Goldfeld-Quandt Test for the Detection of Heteroscedasticity in the Presence of Outliers, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 4(4), pp. 277-283.

Published Books

1. Published: Ahamefule Happy John, Sohel Rana and Habshah Midi (2015). Robust Randon Regression Imputation for Missing Data, LAMBERT Academic Publication, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-11196-9.

2. In progress: A.H.M. R. Imon, Sohel Rana and Habshah Midi. An Introduction to Robust Statistical Procedures. 


Publications In Proceedings

1.   Rana, S and Bagheri, A. (2019). Outlier Detection in Poisson Regression Model: Evidence from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey Data, Proceedings of the ISI world statistics congress 2019, Special topic session, Volume 1, pp. 384- 391.

2.   Muhammad A.A and Rana S. (2019). Robust inference in the presence of heteroscedasticity and high leverage points. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol 2184, 050022 (2019);

3.   Mahmood, E.A, Rana, S, Hussin, A.G and Midi, H (2016). Detection of outliers in the response and explanatory variables of the simple circular regression model, AIP Conference Proceedings 1739, 020081 (2016);

4.   Ariffin, S.B, Midi, H., Arasan, J. and Rana, S. (2015). The effect of high leverage points on the maximum estimated likelihood for separation in logistic regression, The 2nd ISM International Statistical Conference (ISM -II), AIP Conference Proceedings 1643, 402 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4907472.

5.   Fitrianto, A., Rana, S., Midi, H., and Hydara, K. (2015). Effects of a Single Outlier on the Coefficient of Determination: An Empirical Study, The 2nd ISM International Statistical Conference (ISM-II), AIP Conference Proceedings 1643, 409 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4907473.

6.   Rana, S., Midi, H. and A.H.M.R Imon (2014). Variables Selection Procedure based on Robust Approach, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (ICCEMS 2014), pp. 672-678.

7.   Ariffin, S.B, Midi, H., Rana, S. and Arasan, J (2014). Robust Logistic Regression Multivariate High Leverage Points Diagnostic in Computer Engineering, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (ICCEMS 2014), pp. 672-678.

8.   Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R (2014). Detection of Outliers in Multivariate Data Based on COMEDIANMAD Approach, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 270-272.

9.    Yee Peng, L., Midi, H, Fitrianto, A. and Rana, S (2014). Generalized Linear Model Procedure based on Robust Estimator for Designed Experiment with Poisson Distributed Response Variable, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 347-349.

10. Mustafa, M.S., Midi, H., Rana, S. and Fitrianto, A. (2014). Robust Design in the Dual Response Approach, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 335-337.

11. Ariffin, S.B, Midi, H., Arasan, J. and Rana, S. (2014). The Effect of High Leverage Point and Separated Data in the Hidden Logistic Regression Model, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 341-343.

12. Midi, H., Baba, I., Rana, S., and Gafurjan, I. (2014). An Improve Dual Response Surface Optimization, Fundamental Science Congress 2014, pp. 344-346.

13. Mustafa, M.S., Midi, H. and Rana, S. (2013) Heteroscedastic regression model in the response surface design, Fundamental Science Congress 2013, pp. 482-485.

14. Midi, H., Rana, S. and Imon, A.H.M.R (2013). On a Robust Estimator in Heteroscedastic Regression Model in the Presence of Outliers, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, London 2013, Vol I, pp. 6 pages, ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online).

15. Rana, S. Midi, H. and Siraj-Ud-Doulah M. (2013). An alternative model selection criterion based on principal component analysis, Fundamental Science Congress 2013, pp. 478-481.

16. Ariffin, S.B, Midi, H, Arasan, J. and Rana, S. (2013). Performance of Ridge regression estimator for logistic regression model with application on cancer remission multicollinear data, Fundamental Science Congress 2013, pp. 490-494.

17. Rana, S., John, A.H. and Midi, H. (2012). Robust Regression Imputation for Analyzing Missing Data. Proceedings of the International conference on Statistics in Science, Business and Engineering 2012 (ICSSBE2012), IEEE Xplore (Conference proceedings), pp(s). 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/ICSSBE.2012.6396621

18. Mohammadi, M., Midi, H., Rana, S. and Arasan, J. A/P (2012). The application of simple errors in variables model on real data. Proceedings of the International conference on Statistics in Science, Business and Engineering 2012 (ICSSBE2012), IEEE Xplore (Conference proceedings), pp (s). 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/ICSSBE.2012.6396544

19. Rana, S., Midi, H. and Siraj-Ud-Doulah, M. (2012). Robust Chi-Square Base ARCH Test. Fundamental Science Congress, pp.29-30.

20. Rana, S., Midi, H. (2011). A bootstrapping approach of the Significance of Rank Regression. Fundamental Science Congress, pp.403-404.

21. Rana, S., Midi, H. and S. K. Sarkar (2010). Validation and Performance Analysis of Binary Logistic Regression Model, Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conference on Environment, Medicine and Health Sciences (EMEH’10), pp. 51-55, 23-25 March, Penang, Malaysia. ISSN: 1790-5125, ISBN: 978-960-474-170-0. 

22. Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R (2010). Performance of Heteroscedasticity Consistence Covariance Matrix on Food Expenditure Data, Fundamental Science Congress, pp. 72-73, ISBN: 978-983-2519-07-2.

23. Midi, H., Rana, S., and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Robust Estimation of Regression Parameters with Heteroscedastic Errors in the Presence of Outliers, Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science (ACACOS’09), pp. 128-134, 20-22 May, Hangzhou, China. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-474-075-8. 

24. Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Two Stage Estimation of Regression Parameters in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity, Proceedings of the 5th Asian Mathematical Conference, pp 318-324, 22-26 June, World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

25. Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Robust Estimation of Parameters in Heteroscedastic Multiple Regression Model in the Presence of Outliers, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM4), pp. 264-271, 21-23 October, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 978-967-344-092-4.

26. Midi, H., Rana, S. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Robust Estimation of Regression Parameters with Heteroscedastic Errors in the Presence of Outliers. Fundamental Science Congress, pp.382-383.

27. Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R. (2009). Estimation of Regression Parameters in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity with Unknown Form. Fundamental Science Congress, pp.403-404.

28. Rana, S., Midi, H. and Imon, A.H.M.R (2009). Correcting for Heteroscedasticity with Heteroscedasticity Consistent Standard Errors in the Presence of Outliers and High Leverage Points, The Proceeding of the 17th National Mathematical Science Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 687-693. 15-17 December, Melaka, Malaysia, ISBN 978-967-960-256-2.

29. Midi, H., Rana, S., and Nur Afzan Mat Said (2009). Analysing Food Expenditure Data Using Robust Weighted Least Squares, The Proceeding of the 17th National Mathematical Science Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 694-700. 15-17 December, Melaka, Malaysia, ISBN 978-967-960-256-2.

30. Rana, S., Imon, A.H.M.R and Midi, H. (2008). Detection of Heteroscedasticity in The Presence of Outliers, The Proceeding of the 16th National Mathematical Science Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 262-269.

Dr. Kazi Sohag

Senior Research Fellow

Dr. Kazi Sohag is a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Policy and Economic Research (CPER). His research areas include energy economics, climate policy, and applied macroeconomics. 

Dr. Kazi is an Associate Professor and Head of the Ph.D. Program at the Graduate School of Economics Management, Ural Federal University, Russian Federation. Besides, he is the head of the Laboratory for International and Regional Economics. He is also an adjunct research fellow at the School of Commerce, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, and an associated research fellow at the Accounting Research Institute, UiTM, Malaysia. Moreover, he is an External Researcher at the Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy and Power Systems, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 

Dr. Kazi is a contributing author of IPCC Working Group III under UNFCCC. The University of Merdeka has appointed him, Malang, as a Visiting Professors under the World Class Professor Program (WCP) 2021 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Indonesia. 

Dr. Kazi obtained a Ph.D. in Environmental Economics from the National University of Malaysia in 2017. In addition, he received a diploma in Global VAR Modeling using the GVAR from the Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic 2019, and Energy and Environmental CGE Modeling with GAMS from EcoMod, Singapore, in 2015. 

Dr. Kazi Sohag is among the top 200 young economists worldwide based on RePEc's rankings and the fourth leading economist in Russia considering the last ten years' publications. Besides, he is a regular reviewer of more than 50 high-impact journals and delivered numerous public lectures and keynote speeches around the globe. Moreover, he has been awarded several international research grants from different countries, including Russia, Iran, Malaysia, Kosovo, UAE, Indonesia, and KSA.

Personal Website

Linkedin Profile

Md. Minhaz Mohaimim Reza

Research Consultant

Minhaz is a researcher with experience and expertise in economic research and impact evaluation using randomized control trials (RCTs) and mixed methodologies in the areas of agriculture, nutrition, industrial development, and women empowerment. He provides technical support to the research team and coordinates the research activities. 

Previously, Minhaz worked with the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), India as a Research Consultant, where he supported the evaluation team in conducting an RCT to evaluate the impact of aquaculture investments on increasing income, diversifying diets, and empowering women to aquaculture in the northern parts of Bangladesh. He also gained experience in project management and policy-focused research while working with other national & international organizations including UNICEF, UN Women, and the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). As a UNICEF consultant, he served the Project Manager position to the Cabinet Division and provided technical and managerial support to the GoB-UNICEF’s ‘Policy Guidance on Child Component of the NSSS’ project. Over the years, he received several trainings on economic research tools, theory, and humanitarian aspects. His research focus lies on the issues related to rural development, nutrition, health, education, child policy, and women empowerment, primarily through using an RCT approach.

Minhaz earned his master’s degree in development economics from South Asian University, New Delhi, a university established by the SAARC countries, and a Bachelor's & Master’s in Economics from Stamford University Bangladesh.

Dr. Abdur Razzaque Sarker

Advisor, Center for Policy and Economic Research (CPER); Research Fellow- Health Economist, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS); Visiting Research Scholar, University of Melbourne.

Dr. Abdur Razzaque Sarker is an honorable advisor of the Centre for Policy and Economic Research (CPER). Dr. Sarker is a Health Economist Researcher from Bangladesh who has worked in health systems and economic analysis in both developed and developing nations. Dr. Sarker is currently working as a Visiting Research Scholar (May-Nov/23) at the Health Economic Unit at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Sarker obtained his Ph.D. in Health Economics and Management Science from the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. His dissertation was based on the economics of disease in lower-middle-income countries.

Dr. Sarker completed two postgraduate degrees: Master of Health Economics and Master of Economics. Earlier, he worked for the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom; Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), Thailand and Health Economist Consultant at International Vaccine Institute (IVI), South Korea. Earlier, he worked as an Associate Scientist and Health Economist at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b)- an international research organization located in Bangladesh. His research and academic skills have significantly focused on health system research, including economic analysis (various perspectives including patients, households, health system, and broader societal perspective), economic evaluation of public health programs including the economics of vaccine-preventable diseases (e.g., cholera, malaria, rotavirus, typhoid, dengue, pneumonia), the economics of non-communicable diseases (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, cancer), mental health and quality of life research, the economics of elder health and healthcare financing related research (out-of-pocket expenditure, catastrophic burden, health insurance). He has published nearly a hundred articles in various reputed journals, including BMC's, BMJ's, PLOS's, Public Health, Public Health Nutrition, Vaccines, etc. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the University of Basel, Switzerland, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning, etc, have funded his research. 


Subrata Howlader

Project Manager—Business Research

Subrata Howlader is a seasoned Senior Business Research Consultant and Project Manager at the Center for Policy and Economic Research (CPER), bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the role. With nearly 10 years of experience in business research, financial modeling, project management, and credit rating assessments, Subrata has successfully led projects across various sectors, including agriculture, healthcare, power, energy, automotive, RMG, leather, telecommunications, and more. He leverages his expertise in financial analysis, project feasibility, and market research to align business goals with financial strategies.

Subrata Howlader, as a Project Coordinator at Synergist Business Solutions Ltd (SBSL), provided strategic financial insights, oversaw project management, and led business and social research initiatives. He supervised a team, fostered collaboration, and implemented financial policies aligned with organizational goals. Prior to SBSL, Subrata contributed significantly at Emerging Credit Rating Limited (ECRL), managing a team of analysts and participating in IRC Board Meeting. His responsibilities included reviewing credit rating reports for corporate entities, SMEs, and individuals, as well as assessing the creditworthiness and analysis of sectors like power, healthcare, banking, non-banking financial institutions, bonds, and NGOs.

Subrata holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance & Banking from IBA, Jahangirnagar University, and another MBA in Management from a Dhaka University-affiliated college. He also holds a Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S.) from a National University-affiliated college. Currently pursuing ACCA, Subrata is dedicated to staying abreast of the latest developments in the financial and business realms, underscoring his commitment to excellence in his field.

Subrata Howlader

Project Manager—Business Research


Contact: +8801717556889

Mohammed Hasan Haider, FCCA, FCMI

Senior Fellow—Business Research

Mohammed Hasan Haider is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Policy and Economic Research (CPER), specializing in business research, Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), financial advisory, and project transaction structuring. With over 25 years of diverse experience across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, he has spearheaded transformative projects in sectors such as aviation, motorways, healthcare, renewable energy, tourism, and industrial parks.

Mr. Haider's expertise spans project finance procedures, financial modeling, and regulatory frameworks, complemented by his deep understanding of legal and commercial agreements, including PPP contracts, MoUs, and financing agreements. His extensive professional network includes multinational corporations, financial institutions, development banks, and consulting firms, positioning him as a pivotal figure in collaborative research and advisory.

He holds a Master of Commerce in Business Management from the National University of Bangladesh. He is a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) in the UK and the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI).

Key Highlights of His Career

·      Served as a Team Leader, PPP Expert, and Financial Advisor for globally significant projects supported by organizations such as the World Bank, USAID, and JICA.

·      Advised on strategic projects, including feasibility studies and transaction advisory for large-scale infrastructure developments, such as the Dhaka Outer Circular Road, Herat Solar Power Projects in Afghanistan, and the Chittagong Port Development Roadmap.

·      Played instrumental roles in raising equity capital, developing financial models, and evaluating economic zones in multiple countries.

·      Guided high-profile PPP projects, including restructuring healthcare facilities in Bangladesh, developing renewable energy infrastructure in Afghanistan, and modernizing municipal services under international standards.

Mr. Haider’s extensive project portfolio includes:

1.    Southern Chattogram Rural Development Project – Township Development

2.    Bangladesh Maritime Ports Sector PPP Support – Chittagong Port Development Roadmap

3.    Feasibility Study and Transaction Advisory of the Construction of Dhaka Outer Circular Road under PPP Basis

4.    Raising US$ 3 Mn Equity Capital for Loop Technology Pte Ltd., Singapore

5.    Iraq Governance and Performance Accountability Project (IGPA) – PPP Projects

6.    Implementing Municipal Level PPP in Liveable and Inclusive Cities for All (LICA) Project of GIZ

7.    Urban Township Planning in Moheshkhali and Chakaria under MIDI Project

8.    Diagnostic Centre License Acquisition Due Diligence and Restructuring Business Model

9.    Transaction Advisory of Herat 25 MW Solar Power Project in Afghanistan under PPP Basis

10. Transaction Advisory for the Development of Export Processing Zone in Proximity to Hamid Karzai International Airport

11. Transaction Advisory of Herat 25 MW Wind Powered Electric Generation Facility

12. Transaction Advisory of 58.65 MW Gas-Fired Power Plant in Khud-e-Burg, Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan under PPP Basis

13. Transaction Advisory of Kabul Water Project (District 12 and District 22) under PPP Basis

14. Transaction Advisory for the Development of a Five-Star Airport Hotel near Hamid Karzai International Airport

15. Transaction Advisory of Naglu 20 MW Solar Power Project in Afghanistan under PPP Basis

16. Transaction Advisory of Mazar 32 MW AC Solar Power Project in Afghanistan under PPP Basis

17. Evaluation of the Financial Proposal of the Preferred Bidder for the Residential Zone of Trust Green City Project

18. Transaction Advisory of Cargo Terminal Development at Hamid Karzai International Airport

19. Transaction Advisory of New Passenger Terminal Development at Hamid Karzai International Airport

20. Feasibility Study of Pistachio Orchard Development in Herat Province, Afghanistan

21. Detailed Design of Kabul Ring Road (Lot 2) Project

22. PPP Project Structuring of Mohammad Ali Jinnah Hospital in Kabul

23. Detailed Design of Kandahar Water Pipeline, Treatment Plant, and Distribution Project

24. Transaction Advisory of Khair-Khwana Electronic Market in Kabul under PPP Basis

25. Feasibility Study and Transaction Advisory of Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) in Kabul Province

26. Feasibility Study and Transaction Advisory of Traditional Market Development (G+3) in Sarai-e-Shamali, Kabul

27. Feasibility Study and Business Model Development of Barikab Agro-Industrial Park

28. Feasibility Study of National Gemstone Bourse in Kabul Province

29. Feasibility Study of Balkh 50 MW Solar Power Project in Afghanistan

30. Feasibility Study of Herat 50 MW Solar Power Project in Afghanistan

31. Transaction Advisory of Diagnostic Imaging Centre at Ibni Sina Hospital in Kabul

32. Transaction Advisory of Hisar-e-Shahi 40 MW Solar Power Project in Afghanistan

33. Development of Medical College & Nursing Institute at Kamalapur Railway Hospital

34. Infrastructure Project Development and Preparation of Procurement Guidelines for Gazi Group

35. Review of Bid Documents and Feasibility Study of Motel Mazguni under PPP Basis

36. Feasibility Study of Bangladesh Steel Industry for Apollo Ispat Complex Ltd.

37. Feasibility Study and Transaction Advisory for Multistoried Real Estate Project in Chittagong

38. Preparation of Information Memorandum for Eastgate Biotech Corporation

39. Project Consultancy of Capital & Maintenance Dredging of Payra Port

40. Bid Proposal Document and Financial Model for the Abashar Elderly Care Project in Sylhet

41. Developing Municipal-Level PPP Projects Business Models for 7 Municipalities in Bangladesh

42. Preparation of Investment Plan for Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100

43. Feasibility Study of Textile Market in Bangladesh for Viridis Global Textile Association

44. Feasibility Study of Sea Pearl Beach Resort & Spa for Raising $150 Million

45. Valuation of RKD Group and Preparation of Investor Documents for Sale

46. Unsolicited Proposal for the Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Bangabandhu Film City

47. Comparative Study of Potential Digital Education Systems in Bangladesh

48. Hemodialysis Project for Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH)

49. Hemodialysis Project for National Institute of Kidney Diseases and Urology (NIKDU)

50. Unsolicited Proposal for Construction and Maintenance of Multi-Sector Port Scanning Facility in Bangladesh

51. Financial and Legal Due Diligence for Mongla Economic Zone Development Agreement

52. Bid Evaluation for Proposed Hospitality Facilities under Bangladesh Navy

53. Bid Proposal and Financial Model for Construction of Surveillance and Radar Systems at Dhaka Airport

54. Extension of the Largest ICD in Chittagong – Fundraising for KDS Logistics

55. Sustainable Development for Light Engineering Sector in Bangladesh – Economic Zone under PPP Basis

56. Feasibility Study of Inland Container Depot for Eastern Logistics Limited (ELL)

57. Feasibility Study of Ashulia City Centre

58. Privatization of 5 Textile Mills under the Ministry of Textile and Jute

59. Modernization of the Central Distribution Warehouse Management System of WF Electrical PLC in the UK

60.  Private Sector Port Infrastructure Assessment for Dover Chamber of Commerce, UK

Khondoker Shakhawat Ali

Advisor, Center for Policy and Economic Research (CPER); Visiting Research Fellow, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, BRAC University; Adjunct Faculty, Department of Environment & Development Studies, United International University (UIU).

Khondokar Shakhawat Ali is an Advisor at the Center for Policy and Economic Research (CPER). He is also a Visiting Research Fellow at the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, BRAC University, and an Adjunct Faculty member at the Department of Environment & Development Studies, United International University (UIU).

A sociologist, researcher, and founder of the Knowledge Alliance, Shakhawat Ali has been instrumental in fostering civil society activism through projects such as Bijoy Mela (1989-1990) in Chattogram, the Local Government Support Group (2000-2003), and the Shushikkha Andolon (2004-2008), a citizen initiative focused on local government and primary education. He currently serves as the Emeritus Fellow of Unnayan Shamannay.

With over 27 years of experience as a sociologist, researcher, and educator, Shakhawat has taught sociology, research methodology, and development studies at institutions such as City University and ASA University. He was previously the Executive Editor of Protichinta, a journal focusing on society, economy, and politics. He worked as a Research Fellow at the Power and Participation Research Centre (PPRC) for nearly 17 years. Earlier in his career, he contributed to the Program for Research on Poverty Alleviation (PRPA) at Grameen Trust and Gonoshahajjo Sangastha (GSS).

Shakhawat has also worked extensively with development organizations, including DFID, the World Bank, Sida, the Embassy of Switzerland, the Embassy of the Netherlands, the Canadian High Commission, ActionAid, Save the Children, Plan International, and NETZ Bangladesh. He has collaborated with UN organizations such as UNDP, UNICEF, and UNESCO. Over the course of his career, he has authored more than 30 research and evaluation reports on topics including education, development, technology, NGOs in development, fundamentalism, gender, and governance. His published works include Mobile Financial Services in Bangladesh: Success, Prospects, and Challenges (2017).

Shakhawat Ali earned his Master’s degree in Sociology from Chittagong University in 1994. He pursued further studies at the University of Wales, Swansea University, and the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction in the Philippines.