Renowned agriculture and rural development expert, Dr. Anisur Rahman is the Chairperson of the Center for Policy and Economic Research (CPER). He has expertise in the areas of agricultural development, food security, value chain development, crop diversification, market system improvement, and social inclusion. Dr. Rahman has more than 35 years of working experience at the national and international levels. He has held senior positions in several Government, Inter-Governmental, and International Organizations including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), World Bank, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Winrock International, SWISSCONTACT, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), and Department of Livestock Services (DLS). He also served PRAN-RFL Group as a Chief of Agribusiness and expanded value-added agro-products both in national and international markets. During his tenure at BARI, he played a crucial role in the varietal development and improvement of legume crops. 

Dr. Rahman obtained a Ph.D. degree in agriculture from the University of Putra Malaysia and completed graduation and post-graduation in agriculture from Bangladesh Agricultural University. He took part in several visiting research and training programs in Australia, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Syria, and Thailand. 


Scientific Publications:

1.   M.A. Rahman, A.R.M.S. Rahman. 1989. Correlation among stability parameters in Chickpea. Experimental Genetics. 5 (1-2): 78-84.

2.   M.A. Rahman, A.R.M.S. Rahman, A.A.Miah. 1990. Yield stability in Chickpea under   different dates of sowing. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics. 3 (1&2): 47-50.

3.   M.A. Rahman, A. Sarker, O. Islam, M. Rahman. 1990. Selection of promising F3 families in Grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.). Experimental Genetics. 6 (1&2): 47-51.

4.   M.O. Islam, M. Matiur Rahman, A. Rahman, A. Sarker and W. Zaman. 1991. Status and future breeding strategies for Chickpea. Advances in Pulses Research in Bangladesh. (ISBN-92-9066-1). pp.11-17.

5.   A. Sarker, M.Matiur Rahman, W. Zaman, O. Islam and A. Rahman. 1991. Status of Lentil breeding and future strategy. Advances in Pulses Research in Bangladesh. (ISBN-92-9066-199-1). pp. 19-24.

6.   A. Sarker, M. Matiur Rahman, A. Rahman and W. Zaman. 1992. Utfala: A Lentil variety for Bangladesh. Lens. 19 (1): 14-16.

7.   Ashutosh Sarker, Anisur Rahman and M. Rahman. 1992. Introgression of genes from macrosperma into microsperma to improve Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) in Bangladesh. First European conference on grain legumes. 1-3 June, 1992. (ISBN-2. 86492.151.0). pp. 91-92. 

8.   M.A. Rahman, O. Islam, M.M. Rahman, A. Sarker. 1993. Genetic variability in segregating populations of Mungbean. Thai Journal of Agril. Science. 26 (3): 223-227.

9.   M.A. Rahman, L. Rahman, A.R.M.S. Rahman, A.A. Miah. 1993. Stability of yield contributing characters in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Science. 20 (1): 147-151.

10. M.A. Rahman, A.A. Miah, A.R.M.S. Rahman. 1995. Genetic variability, character association and path co-efficient analysis in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L). The Progressive Agriculture. 6(1): 127-131.

11. Md. Matiur Rahman, Jagdish Kumer, Md. Anisur Rahman and Md. Ali Afzal. 1995. Natural out crossing in Lathyrus sativus L. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 55(2): 204-207. 

12. Md. Anisur Rahman, M.S. Saad, Ghizan Bin Saleh and Azizah Osman. 1999. Genetics of Shelf life in Longbean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw). Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics: 12(1 & 2): 21-26

13. Md. Anisur Rahman, Md. Matiur Rahman and Akhteruzzaman Sarker. 1999. Comparison of cross pollination method in Chickpea. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics: 12 (1 & 2): 73-76.

14. M.M. Rahman and M.A. Rahman. 1997. Selection of Chickpea (Cicer arietnum L.) genotypes for the late sowing conditions following the selection index method. Thai Journal of Agricultural Science. 30: 299-303.

15. M.M. Rahman, M.A. Afzal, M.A. Rahman, A.N.M. Manzoor Murshed and Syed Hassan. 1997. Selection criteria for late sowing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Bangladesh J. Agril. Res., 22(2): 237-242.

16. M.A. Rahman, M.S. Saad, O. Azizah, G.B. Saleh, 2002. Variation and transgressive segregation in the backcross generations of Longbean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 5(3): 269-271.

17. C.L.L. Gowda, Onkar Singh, S.C. Sethi, K.B. Singh, B.V. Rao, M.M. Rahman, Jagdish Kumer and M.A. Rahman. 1995. Registration of 'ICCV 10' Chickpea. Crop Science (USA). 35 (2): 588.

18. M.M. Rahman, J. Kumar, M.A. Malek and M.A. Rahman. 1998. Registration of ' Barichola-3 ' Chickpea. Crop Science (USA). 38:886.

19. M.M. Rahman, J. Kumar, M.A. Malek and M.A. Rahman. 1998. Registration of ' Barichola-4 ' Chickpea. Crop Science (USA). 38:886.

20. M.M. Rahman, J. Kumar, M.A. Malek and M.A. Rahman. 1998. Registration of ' Barichola-5 Chickpea. Crop Science (USA). 38:887.

21. M.M. Rahman, J. Kumar, M.A. Malek and M.A. Rahman. 1998. Registration of

22. ' Barichola-6 ' Chickpea. Crop Science (USA).38:887.

23. M. Anisur Rahman, M.S. Saad, Azizah Osman, Ghijan Saleh, M.M. Rahman. 2000. Improvement of Long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw) through backcross method. Bangladesh Journal Agricultural Research. 25(2): 341-347.

24. Md. Anisur Rahman and Md. Matiur Rahman. 1999. Selection of Promising F4 Families in Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Under Variable Spacing. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics: 12 (1 & 2): 63-68.

25. Md. Anisur Rahman and Mohd. Said Saad. 1999. Inheritance of protein content in Long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw). Breeding Science. 49(4): 239-243.

26. M. A. Rahman and M. S. Saad. 2000. Estimation of additive, dominance and digenic epistatic interaction effects for certain yield characters in Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw. Euphytica. 114:61-66.

27. J.L. Tickoo; M.M. Rahman; M.A. Rahman; Akhtaruzzaman Sarkar and M.A. Bakr. 2000. Status of pulses (Mungbean and Blackgram) research and development in Asia and need to shift in research direction for pulse self suffiency in Bangladesh. In Proceedings on the opportunities for inclusion of grain legumes in the cereal based cropping systems. BARI and TCTTI project (GOB/UNDP/FAO: BGD/89/045). 31 May, 2000. BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

28. M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman and M. A.Sarkar. 2001. Progress in isolation and purification of Lathyrus sativus breeding lines. Lathyrus Lathyrism Newsletter. 2(1):39-40.

29. Md. Anisur Rahman; M.M. Rahman; Akhtaruzzaman Sarkar, Biswa Nath Mitra; Omar Ali, Ashraf Uddin Ahmed, Mahbubar Rahman, Sultan Alam and Altaf Hossain. 2001. Research on breeding pulses in Bangladesh. Paper presented on Celebration and Festival on Centenary of the Rediscovery of Mendelism (1900-2000) and Cracking of the Human Genetic Code (2000). January 27-28, 2001. Organized by Dept. of Genetics and Breeding, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

30. M. Anisur Rahman. 2001. Heritability and Genetic Advance in backcross generations of long bean. Bangladesh J. Scientific Res.

31. Anisur Rahman, M.S. Saad, Ghijan Saleh and Azizah Osman. 1999. Genetics of shelf life in Long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw). Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics. 12(1&2):21-26.

32. M. Anisur Rahman and M. Matiur Rahman. 2001. Prospects of improved chickpea varieties for the high Barind tract. In Summary proceedings of the review of planning workshop for the DFID-funded project on “Promotion of Chickpea in the Barind Tract of Bangladesh” (AM Musa, C. Johansen, D. Harris and JVDK Kumar Rao Eds). 24-25 July, 2001.

33. M. Omar Ali, M.A. Rahman, QMS Islam, M.A. Hossain and M.N. Islam. 2003. Effect of different Management Practices on Yield and yield components of lentil in dry land areas under rainfed conditions. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 28(2): 237-243.

34. M.A. Rahman, M. Mustafizur Rahman. M. Omar Ali and M. Azizur Rahman. 2003. Stability performances of different varieties/lines of chickpea in different dates of sowing. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 28(4): 629-632.

35. M. Anisur Rahman. 2013. Supply Chain Management of Horticulture crops. Proceedings published in “Research Achievement of past ten years of horticultural crops and future research strategies for sustainable crop production and food security. 1-2 June, 2013. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Reprint missing)


Publication of Popular Articles

1.   Md. Anisur Rahman. 2002. Role of legumes in the cereal-based cropping systems in Bangladesh. May 09, 2002. The Bangladesh Observer.

2.   Md. Anisur Rahman. 2002. BARI Technology Village-a prospective noble step (In Bengali). Krishi Biplob.

3.   Md. Anisur Rahman and Akhtaruzzaman Saker. 2002. Control of Cutworm in chickpea (In Bengali). Krishi Katha.

4.   Md. Anisur Rahman and Md. Omar Ali. 2002. Difference in yield of Pulses between research field and farmers field- reason and remedy (In Bengali). Krishi Katha. Vol. 62 (6): 180-181 (September-October, 2002).

5.   Md. Anisur Rahman. 2002. Role of pulses crop in maintaining soil and human health (In Bengali). Krishi Biplob.

6.   Md. Anisur Rahman and Ashraf Uddin Ahmed. 2002. Management of Botrytis Grey Mold (BGM) in Chickpea. SAIC News Letter.

7.   Md. Anisur Rahman. 2010. Gerbera-a prominent flower of commercial potential. Hortex News Letter, July-September, 2010.

8.   Md. Anisur Rahman (In Bangla). 2011. Farmer-Market Linkage Strategy (Krishok-Bazar Jogajog Koushal). Adhunik Krishi Khamar, October: 4 (2011).


Consultancy Report for different National and International organizations

1.   Sectoral study on Bangladesh agriculture and value chain development, inclusive finance & Fintech. Team leader. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). February 2022

2.   Horticulture (Vegetable and Fruit) Value Chain Analysis in Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar for Green Life Project of Arannayk Foundation financed by USAID. October 2021

3.   Livestock (Poultry and Goat) Value Chain Analysis in Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar for Green Life Project of Arannayk Foundation financed by USAID. October 2021

4.   End line Evaluation on Securing Employment and Economic Development around Jute Textile and Light Engineering Value chains in North-West Bangladesh (PRISM) Project of Practical Action as Team leader. December 2020.

5.   Value chain Development for three livestock sub sectors-Dairy, Beef and Goat. Prepared for NATP-Phase II project, PIU-DLS (Department of Livestock Services). December 2018.

6.   Sectoral Study and Market Scan of Agriculture related Income Generating Activities (IGAs). Social Development Foundation (SDF), May 2018.

7.   Case Studies in Food Safety and Quality from Asia Pacific Region. FAO. February 2017.

8.   Study on Market Impact Review on Dairy Hub development in Bangladesh, UNIDO, October 2016.

9.   Need Assessment for Contract farming Legislative Framework in Bangladesh. Prepared International Finance Corporation (IFC), a concern of The World Bank.2014

10.  Dairy Value Chain Development in Bangladesh. Prepared for Heifer International. March 2013.Supply Chain Management of Horticultural crops. 2013

11.  Background Report on Training need in Agro Food and Food Processing Industry Sector in Bangladesh. Prepared for Department for International Development (DFID, Implemented by Swisscontact Bangladesh. April 2012

12.  The role of contract farming in agribusiness development. 2011. Hortex News Letter

13.  Study to Assess “The Potentiality of High Price Market Access Of Fruits And Vegetables And Production Feasibility Of Specialty High Value Crops”. Prepared for GMark Consulting Ltd. December 2010.

14.  Empirical mapping of the supply chains for fresh vegetables for NATP (World Bank Project), World Bank, 2009